With over 700 exhibitors In Cosmetics Global once again proved to be an excellent venue for networking and business development on the international level. Booth traffic was notably high and AMA Laboratories is already planning big things for 2018 in Amsterdam.
In Cosmetics Global/London was a major success for AMA Laboratories and we’re happy to be on the schedule for In Cosmetics Korea, North America, and Asia throughout the remainder of calendar 2017. Reed Exhibitions continues to offer an unsurpassed convention and exhibition management team whose expertise makes it both easy and enjoyable to build up, network, and break down post-show.
With visitors from all over Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa and Australia In Cosmetics in London was perhaps the single most successful show that AMA Laboratories has attended in the last year. We think that its extremely beneficial that the show team moves the event around Europe as it keeps things fresh and allows for smaller local brands to have the opportunity to visit and exhibit on a more local basis.
In Cosmetics 2017 is now in the rearview mirror, but the immense buzz and followup that it generated for AMA Laboratories is only just beginning. ExCel London proved to be a perfect venue and it was both easy to access and extremely well laid out. London may have given Paris a good run for it money! It will be interesting to see how the final visitor tallies add up in the coming week. . .
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